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What is National Music Festival?

The National Federation of Music Club's Junior festival is a musical event held every year in spring (usually the first Saturday of March) as a means to foster musical education and development among students of music of all ages. The festival is held in many locations all over the nation. Our students perform at PYCO School of Music in Wexford, PA. Students prepare musical pieces which are performed before a judge. The judge issues each participant a written critique to help them improve and grow as musicians. In addition to providing a valuable educational opportunity in a non-competitive setting, students earn gold cup trophies and certificates for their participation. Students can enter various categories and instruments.

Categories include:

  • Piano

  • Organ

  • Accordion

  • American Patriotic and Field Song (APFS)

  • Sight playing/singing

  • Voice

  • Strings

  • Chamber music

  • School full orchestra

  • Guitar

  • Woodwinds

  • Brass

  • Percussion

  • Dance

  • Musicianship (improvisation, theory)

Why should you enroll your student?

The NFMC Junior Festival is a great performance opportunity and offers students the chance to receive a critique from someone other than their teacher. Some students have heard the same message from us so many times that, although they politely listen during lessons, they don't take our advice to heart. Sometimes, hearing this same advice from a judge is exactly what's needed. As students advance through the many levels of repertoire from the Federation's Bulletin, they can see their progress in lessons. The Federation awards certificates and Gold Cup Trophies to students who participate, which provides another source of public recognition of student's musical accomplishments.

The NFMC junior festivals are nationally recognized and fall at a good time in the school year. The majority of students will be working on their pieces during January and February, which can be a difficult time to motivate students to practice and progress. Knowing they have a deadline to face, students are more apt to work diligently during the winter months.

How do I enroll my student in Festival?

All you have to do is let us know that your student is interested in participating in Junior Festival. We will take care of all forms and documentation to enroll them. There is a small cost of $25.00 for each category that a student competes in.

Junior Festival Bulletin

The Junior Festival Bulletin is a bound and printed volume which lists the specific rules for each event as well as the required repertoire, theory/musicianship requirements, gold cup plan specifics, and a lot of other crucial information about Junior Festivals. We obtain a copy of the Junior Festival Bulletin from the National Headquarters of NFMC and consult it regularly as it is an authoritative guide and introduction to Junior Festivals. For more info, go to: http://

Gold Cups and Certificates

Students participating in the festival receive a rating sheet with a judge's critique of their performance and a certificate of participation. Each rating is worth a certain number of Gold Cup points. The 5 ratings judges may give are as follows:


  • SUPERIOR (5 Points) - An outstanding & consistent performance. Attention is given to dynamics, phrasing and musical expression. Memorization is secure with rapid recovery from minor slips. Errors do not detract from interpretation. A complete performance.

  • EXCELLENT (4 Points) - A strong & promising performance that is musical and stylistically correct. Performance shows accomplishment & very good potential, but there are discrepancies in rhythm, dynamics, phrasing, &/or interpretation. Hesitation &/or memory slips detract from presentation.

  • SATISFACTORY (3 Points) - Shows accomplishment; however, numerous errors occur. Additional work in one or more areas needed in order to achieve a convincing presentation.

  • FAIR (2 Points) - Some commendable aspects in performance and preparation are present, but severe deficiencies in fundamentals (for example, rhythm, notes, memory, etc.) are also apparent. Not fully ready for performance.

  • NEEDS IMPROVEMENT (I Point) - The participant is obviously poorly prepared and appears unconcerned with the performance.

As students continue to participate year after year in the NFMC Junior festivals, they will amass more and more points in the events in which they participate. When students earn a certain number of points, they earn Gold Cup Trophies. When the student has earned enough gold cup points, individual trophies will be awarded for each event in which the student participated. In addition to small certificates of participation and Gold Cup trophies, students who have earned multiple consecutive Superior ratings in any given event are also eligible to receive large certificates indicating the number of consecutive years they have attained a superior rating.


The theory/musicianship event is held every year and is appropriate for all students of music regardless of which instrument they play. It is a written examination that tests students' knowledge of music theory, history, notation, and instrumentation. Theory tests are rated in the same way solos are rated, and gold cup points may be earned in the theory/musicianship area. Students may take as long as they wish to complete the test. There is no time limit. Most students are able to complete the test in 30 minutes or less. Theory material is taught at our group music theory lessons. 


For this year, the test will be taken ahead of time at our February group lesson rather than on the day of festival.

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